
Season’s greetings and happy New Year!

Dear IAPMR colleagues, As we approach the end of another fruitful year, the IAPMR leadership team would like to extend our warmest wishes to each and every one of you. Thank you for being a valued member of the association, for attending the webinars, reading this newsletter and keep contributing to this community. We are…Continue readingSeason’s greetings and happy New Year!


From value to contributions: Rethinking the societal role of public service media

While we await our meeting in Lisbon, join us in the forthcoming webinar “From value to contributions: Rethinking the societal role of public service media” based on the edited volume Public Service Media’s Contribution to Society: RIPE@2021, published Open Access by Nordicom in June 2023.  Participating in the webinar will be the book editors, Manuel Puppis and Christopher Ali,…Continue readingFrom value to contributions: Rethinking the societal role of public service media


Do you want to become a member of the IAPMR?

Help us to better serve our PSM community! At the International Association of Public Media Researchers we want to collect your views, suggestions and expertise in order to build a stronger network. That is why we are kindly asking you to become a member of the IAPMR for free by filling this form. It won’t take more than a…Continue readingDo you want to become a member of the IAPMR?


IAPMR Wrapped 2022

2022 has been a year in which the IAPMR has been able to advance its mission by continuing its work around organising webinars, publishing this newsletter, collaborating in the organisation of the RIPE conference and bridging together theory and practice in the field of Public Service Media. Here are some highlights of the year, in…Continue readingIAPMR Wrapped 2022


(Re-)Watch Florence Hartmann in our webinar series Partners at Work

This spring we started a new series of webinars within the IAPMR@Dialogues, this time dedicated to getting to know and seize collaboration strategies with our Partners at Work. Florence Hartmann, Head of the Media Intelligence Service of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) was the first guest speaker in the webinar “EBU: Research foci and opportunities…Continue reading(Re-)Watch Florence Hartmann in our webinar series Partners at Work


EBU: Research foci and opportunities for academic collaboration

This spring the IAPMR will give voice to our partners at work. In this season’s first webinar, Dr. Florence Hartmann (Head of the EBU Media Intelligence Service) will offer an overview of her team’s recent research activity and share with the community of PSM researchers what she sees as the most pressing issues for PSM…Continue readingEBU: Research foci and opportunities for academic collaboration


Statement of Support for Ukraine

IAPRM has joined over 100 undersigned organisations to stands in solidarity with the people of Ukrainian but particularly Ukrainian journalists who now find themselves at the frontlines of a large-scale European war.Continue readingStatement of Support for Ukraine

Future-of-PSM Statements

Sign the Public Service Media and Public Service Internet Manifesto!

The Public Service Media and Public Service Internet Manifesto is a result of the online discussion and consultation of the #InnoPSM project. Over 1200 persons already signed – join them. Continue readingSign the Public Service Media and Public Service Internet Manifesto!


Online Conference: The Future of Public Service Media

Join the online conference on “The Future of Public Service Media” including Maria Michalis (Co-President IAPMR) on “The digital transformation of PSB and implications for governance”Continue readingOnline Conference: The Future of Public Service Media


IAPMR@Dialogues 2021 – rewatch on Youtube

IAPMR has just set up its YouTube channel. Did you miss the IAPMR@Dialogues last Fall? You can find them online.Continue readingIAPMR@Dialogues 2021 – rewatch on Youtube