
Do you want to become a member of the IAPMR?

Help us to better serve our PSM community! At the International Association of Public Media Researchers we want to collect your views, suggestions and expertise in order to build a stronger network. That is why we are kindly asking you to become a member of the IAPMR for free by filling this form. It won’t take more than a…Continue readingDo you want to become a member of the IAPMR?

Resources RIPE

RIPE@2021 Book published

The new RIPE@2021 “Public Service Media’s Contribution to Society“, edited by Manuel Puppis and Christopher Ali was published by the longtime partner NORDICOM. Please read the abstract for full details: Public Service Media (PSM) across Europe and beyond are increasingly under pressure, with both their role in a digital environment and their funding widely scrutinised.…Continue readingRIPE@2021 Book published

Future-of-PSM Statements

Sign the Public Service Media and Public Service Internet Manifesto!

The Public Service Media and Public Service Internet Manifesto is a result of the online discussion and consultation of the #InnoPSM project. Over 1200 persons already signed – join them. Continue readingSign the Public Service Media and Public Service Internet Manifesto!


Media and Democracy Karol Jakubowicz Award

We already know the winners of this year’s Media and Democracy Karol Jakubowicz Award! The book “Datafication of Public Opinion and the Public Sphere: How Extraction Replaced Expression of Opinion” (2022), by Prof. Slavko Splichal (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia) was awarded this edition’s award. The Selection Committee evaluated all of the submitted publications according to three interwoven…Continue readingMedia and Democracy Karol Jakubowicz Award


Gillian Doyle

Gillian Doyle is Professor of Media Economics at the School of Culture & Creative Arts of the University of Glasgow. With a background on Economics, Gillian Doyle worked as a media equities analyst and as a financial journalist before setting up the UK’s first Masters programme in the area of media management and economics. Her…Continue readingGillian Doyle

Emerging Scholar's Corner

Helen Jay

Helen Jay is a doctoral student in the Media and Communications department at the University of Westminster. Her research project is focused on whether the ‘public service’ intervention in UK broadcasting policy can inform contemporary policy on digital platforms. Prior to her PhD, Helen was Head of Policy and Corporate Affairs at Channel 4, where…Continue readingHelen Jay


PSM Research and Resources

In case you missed it, remember that you can find the latest research on Public Service Media (reports, papers, books, policy briefs…) on the website of the Public Media Alliance (PMA). This knowledge hub is possible thanks to the collaboration among PMA, IAPMR and the Media and Journalism Research Center (MJRC), that jointly curate the most relevant resources…Continue readingPSM Research and Resources


Act Now!

A new European public service media initiative, ActNow!, is currently taking shape, advocating for an Internet for the Public Good and an European Digital Public Sphere. As an umbrella coalition of the willing and already existing projects and initiatives, it aims to promote policy activities, digital infrastructure projects and cooperation with civil society. A core…Continue readingAct Now!

Research Round Up

Trust and media

In a general context where trust is a valuable asset that is increasingly easy to lose, scholars and practitioners are becoming more interested in one of the key concepts of media studies: media trust. How can a media outlet become trustworthy for its audience? Which factors can lead both to its reinforcement and to its…Continue readingTrust and media

Research Round Up

Climate action and media

The effects of climate change are becoming more obvious and worrisome. Social movements are calling for immediate climate action worldwide and political institutions are implementing green policies aimed at reducing the environmental impact of economic development. In this context, this issue’s research round-up delves into the intersection between climate action and the media. How can…Continue readingClimate action and media

Emerging Scholar's Corner

Fiona Fehlmann

Fiona Fehlman is a Research Associate at the Institute of Applied Media Studies at Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW). She recently obtained a Ph.D. in media studies with her work on the legitimacy of public service media within young audiences in Switzerland. Her thesis is part of the research project ‘Public Service Media’: Audience Acceptance…Continue readingFiona Fehlmann


IAPMR Wrapped 2022

2022 has been a year in which the IAPMR has been able to advance its mission by continuing its work around organising webinars, publishing this newsletter, collaborating in the organisation of the RIPE conference and bridging together theory and practice in the field of Public Service Media. Here are some highlights of the year, in…Continue readingIAPMR Wrapped 2022

Research Round Up

Focus on populism and media

In each issue of this newsletter, the research round up draws the focus to a specific topic that can resonate among PSM scholars and practitioners. In this issue, we selected four recent contributions that shed light on the relationship between populism and the media. Marcus Maurer, Pablo Jost, Marlene Schaaf, Michael Sülfow and Simon Krunschinski…Continue readingFocus on populism and media