2022 has been a year in which the IAPMR has been able to advance its mission by continuing its work around organising webinars, publishing this newsletter, collaborating in the organisation of the RIPE conference and bridging together theory and practice in the field of Public Service Media. Here are some highlights of the year, in case you missed them.
Webinars. This year we organised a webinar in collaboration with our partner, the EBU. Dr. Florence Hartmann, Head of the EBU Media Intelligence Service, provided an overview of the hot topics that the EBU is researching and opened the discussion for the participants to express their views and their interest in collaboration. If you could not attend this webinar, you can watch the full video on our YouTube channel.

Newsletter. With the IAPMR Newsletter, we want to create a space where we put forward the work and perspectives of young and established scholars and practitioners. It is also a place to raise research topics that can enrich our community’s work on Public Service Media and maybe open new research lines. Here you can access all the previous issues of the IAPMR Newsletter.

RIPE@2022 Conference. 2022 was also the year when we finally went back to face-to-face gatherings. The RIPE Conference “Between the Fourth Estate and the Fifth Power. Conservation and Innovation in Public Service Media Journalism”, organized by the University of Vienna and the ORF, brought back three days of intense debate and networking. Remember that the book of abstracts is available here and don’t forget that RIPE@2024 will take place in Lisbon (Portugal)!

Membership. This year we started building our membership base, so that we can get to know the needs of our community and improve the way we serve it. By now, we already know that most of our members have a European background, but we also have people from very different parts of the world, such as Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and South and North America. From the feedback we’ve received, we also know that among the main research interests of our community are audience research, new media, comparative research, journalism and news services, policy, and management. We have also noted some of your suggestions for the future, including the creation of more informal spaces to discuss current topics, and more opportunities to connect with colleagues or mentored groups for PhD students. If you have not become a member and provided your feedback yet, remember that you can do it for free just by filling out this form