
RIPE@2024 is coming

The RIPE@2024 Conference is fast approaching! The conference will focus on the theme Public Service Media for Innovation and Sustainability and will take place in Lisbon, Portugal, from the 16th to the 18th of May, 2024. The Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities at Nova University (Lisbon, Portugal), Porto University (Porto, Portugal) and the University of Santiago de Compostela (Santiago, Spain)…Continue readingRIPE@2024 is coming


Do you want to become a member of the IAPMR?

Help us to better serve our PSM community! At the International Association of Public Media Researchers we want to collect your views, suggestions and expertise in order to build a stronger network. That is why we are kindly asking you to become a member of the IAPMR for free by filling this form. It won’t take more than a…Continue readingDo you want to become a member of the IAPMR?

Resources RIPE

RIPE@2021 Book published

The new RIPE@2021 “Public Service Media’s Contribution to Society“, edited by Manuel Puppis and Christopher Ali was published by the longtime partner NORDICOM. Please read the abstract for full details: Public Service Media (PSM) across Europe and beyond are increasingly under pressure, with both their role in a digital environment and their funding widely scrutinised.…Continue readingRIPE@2021 Book published

Practitioner's Corner

Beata Chmiel

Beata Chmiel is the co-founder and executive president of the Women of Film Association, which aims to promote equal opportunities and gender equality in the Polish audiovisual industry. In 2010, she was one of the initiators of the Citizens of Culture initiative, which advocates for a more citizen-centered approach to media and cultural policy. She also…Continue readingBeata Chmiel

Research Round Up

Audience Expectations of PSM

It has often been criticized that the lion’s share of academic research on PSM has focused on policy and governance as well as the perspectives of public broadcasters or the broader media industry, rather than taking more account of the perceptions of the audience. This research round-up brings together three selected recent studies that have…Continue readingAudience Expectations of PSM

Emerging Scholar's Corner

Gislene Nogueira Lima

Gislene Nogueira Lima is a PhD student in the Postgraduate Programme in Communication Sciences at the School of Communication and Arts at the University of São Paulo, Brazil. She has a degree in journalism from the Casper Líbero Foundation and a master’s degree in International Relations from the University of Brasília. Before joining academia, Gislene worked as…Continue readingGislene Nogueira Lima

Research Insight Resources

The future of bargaining codes

With Facebook shutting down its news tab, what does that mean for laws that are trying to persuade it to fund public interest journalism? By Fiona Martin, Associate Professor in Online Media, University of Sydney Research Insight presented by the Public Media Alliance (PMA)in partnership with IAPMR When Australia introduced its ‘world first’ ‘News Media Bargaining…Continue readingThe future of bargaining codes


Annika Sehl

Annika Sehl is a Chair and Professor of Journalism with a Focus on Media Structures and Society at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany. She is also a Research Associate of the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at the University of Oxford. Annika is Chair of the Journalism Studies Division of the International Communication…Continue readingAnnika Sehl


Season’s greetings and happy New Year!

Dear IAPMR colleagues, As we approach the end of another fruitful year, the IAPMR leadership team would like to extend our warmest wishes to each and every one of you. Thank you for being a valued member of the association, for attending the webinars, reading this newsletter and keep contributing to this community. We are…Continue readingSeason’s greetings and happy New Year!

Research Round Up

The bright side of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence has become a challenging technological evolution that is completely transforming the production, distribution and consumption of media content. More often than not, the use of this technology is associated with threats, such as job substitution or the dissemination of disinformation. However, in this research round-up, we look on the bright side of AI…Continue readingThe bright side of Artificial Intelligence


ActNow! meets in Vienna to discuss the possibilities of a European Digital Platform

ActNow! is a network that advocates for a pan-European, independent, and non-commercial platform, for an Internet for the Public Good and an European Digital Public Sphere. This umbrella coalition met at the University of Vienna in June 2023 discuss alternatives to the dominant digital giants and future prospects for the development of digital public spaces…Continue readingActNow! meets in Vienna to discuss the possibilities of a European Digital Platform


Sustainability Sympsium: Towards a Sustainable Future for PSM

The workshop “Towards a Sustainable Future for Public Service Media“, held on June 13, 2023, at the Cavendish Campus of the University of Westminster, brought together a small group of academics and PSM professionals from various countries, including Canada, Belgium, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, and Taiwan. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the topic of sustainability and to…Continue readingSustainability Sympsium: Towards a Sustainable Future for PSM

Emerging Scholar's Corner

Klára Smejkal

Klára Smejkal is a junior researcher and a PhD candidate at the Department of Media Studies and Journalism, Masaryk University, Czech Republic. In her doctoral research, she focuses on Public Service Media and their audiences, on trust in media, and the link between Public Service Media use, populist attitudes, and political polarization. Can you tell us…Continue readingKlára Smejkal


Michał Głowacki

Michał Głowacki is an Associate Professor at the University of Warsaw, Poland. He has conducted research projects funded by the European Commission, the Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation, the Swedish Institute, the Research Council of Norway, Poland’s National Science Center, the National Agency for Academic Exchange and the Polish-American Fulbright Commission. Michał was the…Continue readingMichał Głowacki