Research Round Up

The bright side of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence has become a challenging technological evolution that is completely transforming the production, distribution and consumption of media content. More often than not, the use of this technology is associated with threats, such as job substitution or the dissemination of disinformation. However, in this research round-up, we look on the bright side of AI and aggregate recent research that points to a public interest approach in the application of this disruptive technology. 

Charlie Beckett and Mira Yaseen | JournalismAI, 2023

Generating Change: A global survey of what news organisations are doing with artificial intelligence.

The project JournalismAI has published its latest report on how media organizations are applying AI. After conducting a survey of 105 media outlets from 46 different countries, the report sheds light on how different types of media are using AI, how they plan to use it in the future, and the hopes and fears they place in this technology. Among the main results, the authors highlight the unequal distribution of AI benefits, mostly concentrated in the Global North, and the possibilities opened by AI in terms of increasing efficiency and productivity, thus freeing time for media professionals to dedicate to more creative tasks.

Read the full report here (English and Spanish versions available).

Michael Filimowicz (editor) | Routledge, 2023

AI and the Future of Creative Work: Algorithms and Society.

This volume, edited by Filimowicz, compiles the ideas of different scholars and creative workers on how the increasing human-machine relationship will define the creative work of the future. Overcoming the defeatist idea that robots will take the jobs currently done by humans, the book explores the limits of hybridization and challenges the current understanding of what it means to be a creative worker.

More information on the book here

Colin Porlezza | Communications, 2023

Promoting responsible AI: A European perspective on the governance of artificial intelligence in media and journalism.

With the purpose of studying to what extent is the use of AI-driven tools in news media regulated in the European Union and the Council of Europe, Porlezza develops a document analysis of policy documents on AI governance, ranging from 2018 to 2022. The results show that these policy documents rarely mention media or journalism, and when they do, they focus on four main aspects: the risks of AI, education features regarding AI literacy, social responsibility linked to the protection of media freedom and plurality, and media outlets as part of the policy debate on AI governance.

Read the full paper here.