
Notes on RIPE@2024 – and looking forward to 2026

The 12th RIPE Conference “Public Service Media for Innovation and Sustainability“ was hosted in May 2024 by Nova University and Rádio e Televisão de Portugal (RTP) in Lisbon, in collaboration with Porto University (Porto, Portugal) and the University of Santiago de Compostela (Santiago, Spain).

We had three days of intense debate where we were able to share different ideas on and approaches to Public Service Media and, in particular, on the relationship between innovation and sustainability in PSM, both in theory and practice. Seven working groups discussed around 60 papers. A RIPE@2024 volume is being prepared, bringing together selected conference contributions.

We had the opportunity to visit the headquarters of RTP, where we were given a tour around newsrooms and studios of the Portuguese public service corporation after an inspiring round of keynotes and panels with a variety of managers from RTP and representatives of its supervisory body, the Opinion Council. The IAPMR community would like to thank RTP and the universities involved, and particularly conference host Paulo Faustino as well as RIPE Chairperson Gregory Ferrell Lowe, for organising such an inspiring event. Pictures from the conference are available here.

In case you missed the announcement during the Gala Dinner, here is another notification for the next RIPE@ Conference: In 2026, we will be traveling to Taipei, Taiwan. We look forward to seeing you all there and thank the local organizing committee for their commitment!